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Monday, November 28, 2011

Giving Thanks

Yes yes... I realize that Thanksgiving is over.  But that doesn’t have to stop us from acknowledging what we are thankful for in our lives.  In fact, as a result of seeing “The Secret,” over and over (maybe a dozen times or more now) I think that putting this into practice daily, if not at least weekly, would be a great practice.  The Spirit blesses those who are thankful!

Inspired by my friend Patrick's latest blog, I thought giving thanks for 101 things that I am grateful to have in my life, seemed more than fitting.  And...Oh how I recommend that you do this for yourself also.  It is way fun, and feels soooo good.  (And I’d love to read yours, too!)

By the way, Patrick has a great blog, called the “Golden Thread Road,” if you are interested in the musings of a Shamanic Cartoonist and a wonderful and brilliant guy (and I quite enjoy reading them myself!), you can find it here:

So, without any further shilly-shallying...

101 things I am grateful for in my life:

1)      My Family, blood and chosen 2) The land upon and home in which I live, and am blessed to call myself a steward of 3) My purposes, though they may change and grow and vary, and even though sometimes I’m not exactly sure what they are... 4) Béla snuggles, hugs and kisses 5) MUSIC 6) all of the tremendous, magickal, musical people in my life, who inspire me so 7) all of the magickal, wonderful, creative people in my life, who inspire me so...8) all of the precious, amazing and incredible people in my life, overall, who love me, and whom I love in return, and even those I don’t... 9) the scent of fallen crunchy leaves, bonfires, and baking bread in the fall 10) the scent of snow, dry, crisp cracking branches beneath my feet, peppermint, gingerbread and hot cocoa in the winter 11) the scents (and sounds) of spring... my birth season, far too many to name... 12) the scents of fresh grass, flowers, trees, fruits and vegetables, and sun-warmed skin in the summer (and people who smell like sunshine), 13) the number thirteen, by which I live a lot of my life 14) spring peepers, my very favorite sweet sound in all the universe, thus far 15) Chai, anytime of the year 16) smoothies 17) Yule 18) Beltane 19) Rumi 20) Passion 21) Love 22) The ability to allow incredible moments of creativity to come through me, on occasion 23) hearing, sight and the ability to read 24) books 25) science 26) a twinkle in the eye 27) the feeling of silk, cotton (and other natural fabrics) on the skin 28) the sound of silence 29) quantum leaps 30) astral journeys 31) spirit guides 32) playing “mirror” with Béla 33) extra senses 34) weird music 33) calming, peaceful relaxing music 35) ROCK music 36) faeries, pixies, fauns and elves... 37) Santa 38) Gods and Goddesses incarnate 39) the God, the Goddess, and everything in between  40) animals 41) The Male African Lion 42) The Great Blue Heron 43) The Frog 44) Grace and Inner Beauty 45) Olde English Tales, songs, and poetry 46) The deep, dark magick of the Missouri Ozarks 47) lightning bug lights 48) snail trails 49) phosphorescent creatures of the night 50) faery tales 51) uncontainable smiles 52) the Otherworlds and their denizens (and much honor and respect to them, for all they have given me) 53) LOVE 54) PASSION! 55) good dark chocolate (like that Lindt blueberry lavender chocolate that our MayQueen so graciously sent to us from Germany... yummm...) 56) the ability to move 57) hooping, yoga and bellydancing 58) ART! 59) colors in zillions of hues, especially those of the purple realms... 60) impossibly delicate butterfly wings 61) things you can’t prove, but know to be true 62) the day the seedlings first start sprouting, peeping their little heads up through the dirt in spring 63) EARTH, earth homes and hobbit holes 64) crystals and gems, in all of their sparkling mystique 65) Led Zeppelin 66) the first time during the winter season that you see crystals of ice all over the trees out in the countryside, blanketing the land like a web of crystalline glory 67) swimming and swimming holes 68) massages and skin to skin contact 69) hugs that have real meaning 70) honesty, even brutal 71) the lotus 72) the daisy 73) romantic serenades 74) harp music 75) the immortal soul of music 76) tears of laughter 77) giggles 78) the color green 79) bees and honey 80) homebrew 81) adrenaline 82) drumming around a campfire 83) dancing ‘round a campfire 84) trancing ‘round a campfire 85) camping 86) pagan festivals 87) honest compliments 88) honest critique! 89) things that are shiny 90) my memories 91) the anticipation of the story as it unwinds 92) new and exciting roads to travel upon 93) fire 94) fire dancers 95) the moon 96) singing and playing the guitar, writing new songs, playing music with new friends and old 97) chances to play music with people I admire ever so greatly 98) the thought that I was able to blow effortlessly through this list of thankfulness and could still go on all night... 99) the space to meditate 100) my unshakable center of peace 101) the immortal spirit of Wolvenwold

Thank you, Universe, for allowing me to be here.  May the mysteries continue to unfold...

Oh!  Had to add a P.S. here tonight!  If you get the chance,. puh-lease watch NOVA's "The Fabric of the Cosmos: Universe or Multiverse."  It's pretty freakin' bam bam wowzawow in the mind-blowing sense. 


PATRICK said...

Awesome! You reminded me of a lot of things I forgot on my list. :) Thank you, by the way, for the referral to my blog.

Love and Hugs (the meaningful kind),

Unknown said...

Sure! And thank you, for the inspiration! *Meaningful* hugs backatchya... lolol... ;-) ;-) ;-)