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Monday, November 7, 2011

Today Is the Day For a New Garden


Had a WONderful night and couple of days out at Johnny’s this past weekend.  We talked about music, again, the past, the present, and good things about the future.  We cleared up a few misunderstandings, let them go, remembered our friendship, and plotted some exciting new schemes.  (Shhhh...)   Béla got to spend time with her daddy, which was much needed, and we all got to sit around and soak in the warmth of the most beautiful fireplace in the land, in a peaceful and relaxing haven.  We even did a little hashing over of the (imaginary) plans for my cob house (which I now know needs to be planned in detailed accuracy before I proceed with some, okay most things, to include the all-important living roofing structure... geez.... ya can’t mess with them there pro-feshional builders, bygods).  That reminds me, that I need to make an entry soon for my “Earthcastle” blog... and draw up some hip and groovy and plans here real soon!  Oh yes, and we watched “Megamind, “ again, as has become our usual routine (and we all just love that movie so much... ‘cause it is so funny...) I savored a few nice ales, (now I have those Grolsch bottles I have been needing for my brew) and we just got some things out on the table, overall.  It was a calming, delightful way to end the weekend.

As always, it is nice to return home.  And last night the weather from my perspective out here, was just simply... that oooh, ahhh kinda mystical.  Oh, I am blessed indeed.

Today, if the rain holds back for a bit, I am going to continue to work on my new “crescent shaped raised-bed gardens” for late winter/early next spring... and soon I am going to need to allow the winds here to inspire a suitable and melodious sounding name for the area... which will also include the sculptured and infamous cob oven, graduated stepping stones, and close to the ground seating, hither and yon, for a small musical concert type amphitheatre type area... (very small mind you, just for personal and very petite groups of guests and a place for various little entertainments and earthy sensuous delights) and... well, various other lovely garden wonders to behold.  Then this afternoon and early evening, maybe before Béla even returns home from school, (ahhh, blissful silence of mind while I can get it) I shall ponder greenhouses and heirloom seed catalogues, and plan out the contents of my food source grounds.  Hmmm... looks like the last time I looked at these catalogues, I was pretty ambitious!  (Blane, maybe you could lend me some of your green thumbery and growing magick next season from the Otherworlds... I desire to learn to grow things to eat and look at and enjoy in the future without turning them into piles of useless dry mulch, please!)   I love being over near the wild plum grove now, and I feel like it is such a sanctuary for me.  I even started my own personal journal this morning, so that I could get out some much needed emotional baggage, and did a lot of very deeply introspective meditational work for myself today.  It has been a beautiful morning! ;-)  (And I have been up since 3 am, and haven’t even needed a nap yet!)

We (Béla and I) slept down here last night... me on the stage; alone ( how wonderful it was) and she fell asleep in the trailer with Kristen watching Alice In Wonderland.  How great that they finally got that time to snuggle up together.  (Cause she’s snuggly.)  O Happy things.  Yes, I am indeedy looking toward some changes.  Big ones.  I have had to do a lot of thinking in the past 18 or so hours.  I am planning a new life, built on love and trust and honesty of self.  Brutal honesty, with compassion mixed in.  I know what and who I love, exactly where I need to be, and when, and what I need to do from here.  I am looking forward to getting started.  (Here I go!  Don’t try to stop me!  Ha ha haaaa.)

I am outlining my plans in detail, considering everything very carefully for our future (mine and Béla’s, to start with), and working my way toward a more peaceful, calm place of inner self.  All events in one’s life lead up to where we are now.  We are where we are TODAY, precisely because that is where we are supposed to be.  I like the location of my self on my path, currently.  It is a good place to be.  I am skipping down that path today happy and healthy, strong and full of life, blessed and in love with my friends and family, (blood and chosen, luckily for me!) and I intend to grow and learn more each and every day of this beautiful existence.

Life is so cool. 

Thank you Goddess, for giving it to me!

See you soon...

My buddy the big spider on the stage...

The path headed up toward the new homestead...


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