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Monday, November 29, 2010


Blessings, Dearly Enchanted...

I am new to blogging, overall, but I do promise it will be interesting. ;-)

I have decided that with all of the Vampyre books, movies and documentaries I've been saturating my brain with over the last few months, that I need to do a Vampyre/Supernatural type of blog, too, as I am in the process of writing my books.  See, my books will be semi-fiction, but I do eventually want to incorporate some vampyre stories too.  The vamps will either tie in with the other stories, or apart from them, I haven't figured how that will work yet.  In any case, I'll start them (the vamp blogs) here, then probably transfer them over another blog eventually, so that folks who want to read one and not the other, can do so more easily.

Well, my laptop is working now, and is excellent, thanks to Andrew, and I have just purchased a new keyboard for my desktop, so that my misspellings won't be so bad to correct after each paragraph now.  (My desktop keyboard got jinky, and it was not letting me post double letters, the spacebar wasn't working properly, and so on! Urgh.)  Now all I have to do is get it plugged in and working, and I'll be all set.!

I truly, honestly DO need to both find a website designer that can help me, and to learn how to do all of this stuff myself, better than I am doing it now.  I am currently going through Cpanel to do everything, on the Wolvenwold site (my home website, fyi, @: and my Spellsinger (music) site: and it has been frustrating, to say the least.  Now my server (Draknet) is being sold to another company (A Small Orange), and everything is getting transferred and changed over.  It shouldn't affect me too much, I'll just have to keep up on their blogs to see what I need to do, but meanwhile... manifest, manifest!  Help with my websites!  Help Help!  (I may ultimately be doing a lot of video tutorial watching.)

Anyhow!  Plans for the upcoming weekend!

New music..., we'll be over at the Magyar Magick studio (AKA Johny's place) to do some more recording, and bonus... my sister is visiting!  (Yay!)  We haven't see her in a very long time now.  (We miss U Kittin!)  Also, with her, will come Amory, a wonderful guy and a magnificent violin player, who has agreed to do some tracks for one or two of the tunes on "The Darke," my awesome upcoming solo album.  Excited, excited. When I return, I'll start hashing through my recorded (Yay DVR technology!) Vampyre programs and recently read books, and do some blogging on things that go bump in the night...

Mwa ah ahhhh...

Also, I have an online interview at the Pagan Perspectives show over at: on December the 12th!  Don't forget to tune in, where you can listen to the interview and to some of my tunes, (new and olde!) and even call in with questions, if you like.;-)  It'll be a blast talking with Sylvanus, and it's sure to be a good time.  You can download it for later listening, too!

There are interesting things brewing with a new pagan FILM, as well, (facilitated by the same Sylvanus Teewalker of the internet radio show) to be called "Between the Worlds," for which I shall have the honor of writing a portion of the soundtrack.  Sweet.  We'll talk about the film, the music, the land at Wolvenwold, my life as an Earth stewardess, and more, so come on over and hang out with us online.  Hey!  Perhaps you'd even like to try out for a part in the movie?  You can find out lots of info about this project on my Facbook page.  In fact, I'll repost that same post here, in another blog, in just a minute!  Hope to see lots of familiar faces get involved with this.

Love and Peace, and Blessings of Light, Light and Darkness,

Beltana Spellsinger

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