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Friday, November 12, 2010

Bel Spellsinger's New Blog

Bel's New Blog

Well, here 'tis, folks! and...

I promise it will be entertaining. ;-)

What am I currently cooking up in Beltana's cauldron of wytchiness?

A new studio album, with Spellsinger, to be entitled "The Darke." Progress is moving along nicely. Working on my new website, as well.

A new book, from an olde story, that I started writing years ago. It will be a series. Some of it will go along with the albums. There will be three albums in this trilogy... and an unlimited amount of books. It will be all about being a modern day Wytche.

A new home, an earth home, to be started next spring.

An interview, on December 12th, 2010, on "Pagan Perspectives Radio," where I shall woo with song and seduction... Go here:

Oh yes, more to come, and it will be soon.

Let me know your thoughts... your dreams... and your fantasies...

Yours, in Love, Light and Darkness,

Beltana Spellsinger


Cern said...

Love the look of your blog and am anxiously awaiting your witchey stories as well as future blog posts.

Unknown said...

Thank you dahling... I am looking forward to publishing them, as well! I'll also have some book reviews on here soon... so there wil be lots to talk about!